Dvor Jezersek Brnik i Cerklje na Gorenjskem

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SlovenienDvor Jezersek Brnik


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63, Zgornji Brnik, 4207, Cerklje na Gorenjskem, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 4 252 94 00
internet side: www.jezersek.si
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Latitude: 46.2358575, Longitude: 14.4863055

kommentar 5

  • Miha Grasic

    Miha Grasic


    Came here in a "week of restaurants" (teden restavracij) The food was delicious, the staff were supper nice. Best of my experiences within the week of restaurants places. Will definetely come here again on normal occasion.

  • Dale Walt

    Dale Walt


    I have stayed here many times. Always friendly, clean. Amazing food.

  • Jan Jolič Lieven

    Jan Jolič Lieven


    Nice location, close to Airport, big and secure parking, lovely garden for eating outside. Nice styling inside, very good and helpfull staff. Big choice of slovenian and foreign vines and other spirits...also a 3 star hotel. All scene is on pricely side if we are talking about money...a la card lunch for two with 4 courses and glass of good vine can be arround 85 EUR...

  • Tsveta Petkova

    Tsveta Petkova


    Well done! Great staff, exceptional presentation of the food, I can't say enough how satisfied we were.

  • Justin Donnelly

    Justin Donnelly


    I cannot say enough god words about this place. We came here on two occasions. Once prior to a garden party for lunch, and we were very impressed by the high standard of service and food. We also had a family gathering here and everything was catered for to the highest standard! The setup was spectacular and the food could not be faulted. I highly recommend Dvor Jezersek when visiting Slovenia.

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