Hostel Mamas House i Cerklje

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienHostel Mamas House



🕗 åbningstider

22, Ulica Franca Barleta, 4207, Cerklje, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 41 839 627
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.2565367, Longitude: 14.4865851

kommentar 5

  • Darwin Bondoc

    Darwin Bondoc


    Very hospitable. It was very nice during our stay. Keep it up!

  • Tihomir Čulig

    Tihomir Čulig


    Much better than we expected for the price. The large room with 5 beds (Bazilika) is amazing! The hosts are very nice.

  • Jim Konchan

    Jim Konchan


    We stayed at Hostel Moma’s House in Sept 2017. Great location close to the airport. Mountains scenery was beautiful. Very safe and quiet location. Great parking on site. Room was very clean. The owner and staff treated us like family. A lovely coffee shop, with fresh baked goods, is a within eyesight! This is a class A-1 place. Highly recommended. ‘

  • Marco Mattiacci

    Marco Mattiacci


    Nice place, kind people. There is a market inside.

  • Boh Man

    Boh Man


    Simply Wonderful. Staff speaks English and is very friendly. Every corner is extremely clean and the design of the place is very pleasant. Parking is comfortable and there are many utensils to be used. Great place for a great price.

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