Hotel Jelovica Bled, d.o.o. i Bled

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienHotel Jelovica Bled, d.o.o.



🕗 åbningstider

8, Cesta svobode, 4260, Bled, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 4 579 60 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.3710695, Longitude: 14.1060772

kommentar 5

  • Wiston Baloyi

    Wiston Baloyi


    The hotel is wow!! With a very good view bedding, WC and attractive dining hall. The challenge maybe with the drinking water... I understand it maybe your culture not to put drinking water in the rooms. However, now that you host travellers from other countries you should consider doing that. Other thing is the issue of kettle and sachets for sugar, coffee, tea and or powder milk or liquid milk. I think if you improve on that your hotel will flourish

  • Alexander Cassar

    Alexander Cassar


    Very good hotel near Lake Bled. Excellent food and extremely friendly staff!

  • ANDREW Marshall

    ANDREW Marshall


    Second time back at this hotel. Staff very friendly & helpful, food excellent, spa & indoor pool closed due to refurbishment but passes available to use other hotels spa & pool facilities. Upgrade due to complete & reopen March 2019.

  • Nadja Myrup

    Nadja Myrup


    Comfortable beds and good breakfast. Friendly staff. It's close to the lake. I would recommend!

  • nina kostanjšek

    nina kostanjšek


    High class hotel, rooms are a bit outdated, but they have a renovation in plan. Big breakfast and dinner buffet, good food and very kind staff. It has a good location and nice view over the Bled lake.

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