Hotel Savica i Bled

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SlovenienHotel Savica


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6, Cankarjeva cesta, 4260, Bled, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 4 579 19 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.3657244, Longitude: 14.1106487

kommentar 5

  • Dennis Jarmey

    Dennis Jarmey


    Lovely. In a fabulous place too.

  • Karen Thomsit

    Karen Thomsit


    What a lovely hotel! We received a warm welcome and were lucky enough to have a corner room with views of Lake Bled. The breakfast was great with plenty of choice. It's only a short walk to the lake so the position of the hotel makes it easy to explore the surrounding area. There is ample parking opposite the hotel.

  • Vedran Markovic

    Vedran Markovic


    Nice rooms but not that clean.

  • Drago Supina

    Drago Supina


    Very nice family hotel. Enjoyed with my wife and two small kids

  • Dalibor Kuhinek

    Dalibor Kuhinek


    Great family hotel. This was our second time we were there. We came again because of the great team of people working in the kids corner and our kids love it. Last time we were in a room and this time in apartment which was much more comfortable for a family with two small children.

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