HOTEL MANTOVA /Argos Caffe /Restaurant i Vrhnika

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SlovenienHOTEL MANTOVA /Argos Caffe /Restaurant



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6, Cankarjev trg, 1360, Vrhnika, SI Slovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 1 750 56 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.9662179, Longitude: 14.2977753

kommentar 5

  • Ana Mištrafovič

    Ana Mištrafovič


    They have good food for lunch but not so good ice cream and desserts.

  • samoza fejsbuk

    samoza fejsbuk


    Well, I can’t share details about hotel, but! This seafood pizza (mornarska) is absolutely best seafood pizza ever! And I don’t even like seafood pizzas. It’s outta this world.

  • Tadej Pivk

    Tadej Pivk


    Excellent caffe. Quality service. I do recommend.

  • Marko Kovač

    Marko Kovač


    Usually hotels are not the high point of a town. But Vrhnika is a bit special. After trying to find decent and warm enough place for a beer with friends we ended up at the hotel. Okay, the interior could need a face up, but the clientel is lovely. From teens through young families up to older groups. It seems like a common village place in a good sense of the word.

  • Davor Pleskina

    Davor Pleskina


    Situated in the very center of the small picturesque Slovenian city of Vrhnika, this hotel is more than just that. It is the place where local people come to meet, inside classy internal bar and restaurant during cold days or on the large terrace when weather allows. Rooms in the hotel most certainly offer modern technology combined with classic architecture, which shown as attractive to numerous Korean and Japanese visitors. Add high-quality local food served a la carte and you have a perfect place to stay on a long journey or while exploring local ancient Roman culture-rich history in the surrounding places.

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