Ianbo Art Gallery i Ljubljana

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SlovenienIanbo Art Gallery



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51, Trubarjeva cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Eslovenia
kontakter telefon: +386 70 131 554
internet side: ianbo-art-gallery.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 46.0524016, Longitude: 14.5121623

kommentar 5

  • Victor Dubreuil

    Victor Dubreuil


    Really nice cosy gallery covered in art pieces, lots of different inspirations, colourful paintings and heartwarming messages. Would recommend to anyone looking for a nice art !

  • en

    Grega Varga


    Awsome energy and very kind stuff

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    Jannick Knyrim


    Unique art from a unique mind

  • en

    Ellie Ashton


    Such a cool place. The walls are filled with Bojan's work, which is an explosive, colourful comment on society and spirituality. Bojan was the perfect combination of being engaging but not interupting when we were browsing the art. The prices are fantastic and range from €3 to a hundred or so. This is honestly not a place to miss. If like us you are travelling ask Bojan about FedEx options so you don't have to walk away from your favourite! Thanks for a perfect browse and buy experience Bojan ☺

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    harry humphreys


    An absolute jem, I would go so far as to say that if you are anywhere near go out of your way to see this place. My second visit to this beautiful art gallery, the owner Bojan is a fantastic guy and an incredibly talented artist. Go in have a chat and support this Slovenian artist!

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