Hotel Emonec a Ljubljana

SloveniaHotel Emonec



🕗 orari di apertura

12, Wolfova ulica, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 200 15 20
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.050791, Longitude: 14.5050288

commenti 5

  • Oxana Smirnova

    Oxana Smirnova


    Very nice hotel, at least for a single business traveller. Nothing posh, but very comfortable and very central. Friendliest staff ever, including the night guard.

  • ylayali



    Amazing hosts, amazing location. Rooms are very comfortable and clean. Breakfast is great. I strongly recommend this hotel.

  • Martin Gierach

    Martin Gierach


    Nice hotel with friendly staff and excellent location. There were minor faults in our room such as broken handle etc. Unfortunately the heating wasn't working therefore I only give them four stars.

  • Adam Routley

    Adam Routley


    Great hotel, perfectly located. Check out was relaxed and stressfree. Luggage store for the day was free even after we'd checked out. Breakfasts could be better with a warm option - bacon, beans etc. And it's a little off that the showers are at stomach height. But other than that.. Perfect!!

  • K Willsh

    K Willsh


    Room is very centrally located to everything in Ljubljana, a few minutes stroll away from the main attractions. The room is spacious and super clean, the hotel staff are extremely friendly and helpful. The breakfast was delicious, a selection of cereals, fruit, bread, meats, cheese, eggs and juices / teas & coffee. Would definitely stay here again and recommend the hotel.

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