Lesar Hotel Angel tourism and hospitality l.l.c. a Ljubljana

SloveniaLesar Hotel Angel tourism and hospitality l.l.c.



🕗 orari di apertura

7, Gornji trg, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 425 50 89
sito web: www.angelhotel.si
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.0468009, Longitude: 14.5071693

commenti 5

  • Jinseob Jung

    Jinseob Jung


    If you travel by car, please book parking place in advance. Hotel located in pedestrian area and you need to get escort from friendly hotel staff. Clean and spacious room and perfect WiFi connection. Breakfast also quite good. 24 house opened self-service tea lounge is another attractive.

  • Mike Pearce

    Mike Pearce


    We had a classic room. The bed was very comfortable, the bathroom small but adequate, the shower water controls terrible, very hot, very cold,. The water was so hot that it could easily burnt you. Our room looked out onto a quiet court yard. The room above us didn't have any carpet, the occupants it that room were very noisy. The carpet in our room was heavily stained, dried fluid spoilages of all sizes! The free breakfast was limited on choice but the service was excellent.

  • becky fogel

    becky fogel


    We had a lovely stay here. Staff was attentive and accommodating, breakfast was plentiful and delicious, room was comfortable and lovely. We had a misunderstanding about our booking, and they took care of it with no questions asked- it could have cost us another night's charge. Highly recommend and would stay again!

  • Sascha Manitz

    Sascha Manitz


    What a lovely place in the heart of the city. Great friendly staff, fantastic feel to the place. Great breakfast. Rooms are a little on the small side. Would definitely recommend

  • Tammy Squires

    Tammy Squires


    I just stayed here one night while traveling through Ljubljana and do not want to leave! The hotel is so charming and the breakfast was excellent! The staff members were warm, welcoming, and went out of their way to to accommodate every need!! It is in the perfect setting to get out and explore on your own!! I recommend it highly!

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