Hotel Center Ljubljana a Ljubljana

SloveniaHotel Center Ljubljana


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51, Slovenska cesta, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 41 263 347
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.0556131, Longitude: 14.5048633

commenti 5

  • Gianluca Davoli

    Gianluca Davoli


    Staff very nice. Room very comfortable and clean.

  • Yusef Adams

    Yusef Adams


    Very cosy hotel. Friendly and helpful staff. We stayed on the second floor. There are no lifts but the lady at reception carried all our bags on the way up and when we left she carried them down to the ground floor. We received vouchers for breakfast at the Restaurant next door. Free bottle of water and fruit available at the desk. No charge. I would certainly stay here again. Thank you to Danielle for making our stay so relaxing.

  • en

    Cec -


    Center location, near to his station and city. nice cosy hotel. Very friendly staff and free water , apple everyday.

  • en

    Natalie Thomas


    Small but nice and clean rooms. Free water and fruits. Totally close to the city center. There is a bar in the basement of the hotel. So you can hear the music in the first floor, but it was totally ok for sleeping.

  • Holly F

    Holly F


    went to the club beneath this hotel, apparently . We were lead there, I wouldn't know how to return. This morning I felt it may have been a dream, my only way of finding it now is a receipt for €2 entry, which I suppose is cheap? I saw nothing of a hotel, just a small but relatively nice average euro pop club. Thank you Ljubljana, I guess?

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