Allegro Hotel a Ljubljana

SloveniaAllegro Hotel


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🕗 orari di apertura

6, Gornji trg, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 591 19620
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.04664, Longitude: 14.50743

commenti 5

  • Guillaume Lehallier

    Guillaume Lehallier


    Too expensive for the service provided.

  • Domen Cesnik

    Domen Cesnik


    Great rustic hotel. We always use it to host our clients in there and they are always happy.

  • Shannon Mychael

    Shannon Mychael


    The front desk staff here were very friendly, the hotel is very centrally located in a beautiful area. The hotel room was nice, with nice views of the courtyard and church. Things we weren't too impressed by, however, were the extremely scratchy towels, the lack of refills at breakfast and the seemingly absent housekeeping staff. 3 stars for location, large room and friendliness of staff.

  • en

    Yuval Radunsky


    Not recomended at all. We had to carry all our suitcases by ourself by foot all over the street. We asked for assistance but didn't get any. The breakfast room was full of insects. The room was not maintained and the shower was very bad. Very low value for money.

  • Luka E

    Luka E


    This hotel is great for its location, friendly staff and its historic setting. I use jt a lot for my business. However parking is a problem as there are only two spots available. Also there is no elevator which can be a problem for someone... Anyway, just alone for friendliness I highly recommend it. 😊

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