Ahotel Ljubljana a Ljubljana

SloveniaAhotel Ljubljana



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Martedìaperto 24 ore
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Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
34d, Cesta dveh cesarjev, 1000, Ljubljana, SI Slovenia
contatti telefono: +386 1 429 15 98
sito web: www.ahotel.si
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.030146, Longitude: 14.4916481

commenti 5

  • Balázs Tóth

    Balázs Tóth


    Advantages +the room was very clear and demanding +and also i have to say the breakfast is very excellent + all in all the bed and the room is perfect + parking with car 10/10 + english knowledge was impressive disadvantages: -the coffee wasnt good at morning in the bar the bear was very expensive i think but it was good tasty. - the room could be bigger and it wasnt balcony

  • Ron Mueller

    Ron Mueller


    Brand new, well thought out concept in every detail, excellent!

  • Kursat Ergin

    Kursat Ergin


    It is really very comfortable and workers are very smiling look ..

  • Chiara Zannier

    Chiara Zannier


    Very comfortable hotel with spacious and modern rooms and friendly staff. They also speak Italian! The hotel has a free parking and it's located in a quiet area not far from the center of the city (about 5 minutes by car). The hotel also offers a taxi service to reach the center at a very convenient price. Breakfast is served from 7 to 10 a.m. There is a wide selection of things to eat and you can choose between sweet or savory food. We liked a lot this hotel and Lubiana!

  • Yazan Shareef

    Yazan Shareef


    The hotel is great, staff are very friendly and cooperative. Hotel is quite and peaceful. Would surely go book here again next time.

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